
Motor Tripped?

Analyzing the motor current for transient In-Rush peak and Start-Up time is a standard approach to troubleshooting a tripped motor. An instantaneous trip might indicate a stator or trip set…

New Year Motor Reliability Tip – 2023

A new year reminds us it is time for an annual review of our test measurement alarm setpoints. We should annually review the setpoints to make sure they are not…

Humidity and Insulation Resistance

Humidity, like temperature can affect insulation resistance-to-ground measurements. Depending on the humidity level and ambient temperature, moisture may settle onto the cables, windings, motor frame, etc. This will affect the…

Split Peak at the 5th Harmonic

When analyzing current signature analysis, like the PdMA EMAX Rotor Evaluation Test, the primary focus starts at the Pole-Pass-Frequency (Fp) sidebands around line frequency. Elevated Fp sidebands can be indicative…

Motor Repair and Inductance

Deenergized stator inductance is a valuable tool in identifying the internal magnetic condition of your electric motor. It is important to know that inductance measurements can be influenced by the…

Reliability Justification

We have all seen the Bathtub Curve and its application to equipment reliability. This curve shows a high failure rate early in life (Infant Mortality), low failure rate throughout the…

Tips for Installing Motor Test Access Panels

To minimize the risk of being in the vicinity of high voltage when testing your electric motors, your electric reliability team or plant safety management may have opted to install…

2022 Fault Zone Series: Part 4 Stator

Returning to the Fault Zone approach to electric motor troubleshooting we continue this series with Stator. When PdMA refers to the Stator Fault Zone in an electric motor, it is…

2022 Fault Zone Series: Part 3 Insulation

Returning to the Fault Zone approach to electric motor troubleshooting we continue this series with Insulation. When PdMA refers to the Insulation Fault Zone in an electric motor, it is…

2022 Fault Zone Series: Part 1 Power Quality

Sticking to the Fault Zone approach to electric motor troubleshooting we are starting this series with Power Quality. “You are what you eat,” is what you were told as a…