Centralized Data… Security and Availability

Too often we hear about a failed motor that could have been prevented if someone was just looking at the data. During the root cause failure analysis, it is determined that past data indicated a negative trend, which if acted on would have prevented an unplanned shutdown or expensive failure of the motor. If your reliability resources are stretched thin, like so many in industry, the following are some considerations to optimize the chance for the right people to see the right data at the right time.

  • Centralized Data: Utilizing a Cloud Network allows not only your onsite professionals to have easy access to the data but also allows them to reach out to external professionals to assist in data analysis when they are unavailable or busy on other site projects.
  • Training and Certification: Getting more employees qualified and even certified to analyze your reliability data increases the likelihood of having resources available to prevent an unplanned downtime. Remind them to lean on the technology vendors for support in making decisions on critical assets.
  • Permanently Installed Testing: Just as bad as not looking at data that would have warned us of a pending failure, is not having data to warn us. Permanently installed technology is always collecting data and alerting your analyst to look at data as soon as a problem exists.
  • Service Partnerships: When resources and experience are just not available, make sure you have a good relationship with your local service provider to fill in as necessary. As mentioned above, with a Cloud Network you can add your service provider’s motor analyst to your software user list and provide credentials for them to easily access the data from anywhere at any time when you need them.

To hear more about optimizing data delivery to the analyst listen to Benefits of Continuous Monitoring (what type of data should you be collecting and how should that data be delivered to the analyst) on the Todd and Noah Show Podcast.

